Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tat It Up

Summer 2002 was the first time I felt I really wanted/needed a tattoo.  9 years have gone by and I still don't have one/two/thirty.  Hard to believe knowing my track record of adding to my obsessions and my ever growing ability to fall into the trap of impulse buys.  I'm sure I'll get one....just not sure when.

Back in college I started watching shows like Miami Ink where they glorified the tattoo artist and the lifestyle that accompanied it.  There was the bald guy, the Cuban, the little fat one, Jesse James' wife/ex-wife/whatever she is now.  I was hooked.  There was so much those guys could do with a needle.  I needed one.  I had to have one. Didn't get one.

Got my dad hooked on watching those shows with me.  Got him to even talk about getting one with me.  We were going to do it.  It was going to happen.  For a couple years he was into the idea.  Now....nope.

I watched my buddy in college get two tattoos.  Went with him to the shops.  Saw the places.  Watched the processes.  Noticed how clean everything was.  Saw the detail come to life on his leg and back.  Wished I would have one myself.  Nope.  Pussed out.  See the trend?

My cousin has a bunch, even some that he's had fixed and redone to make them better/different.  He has offered to take me multiple times.  Have I gone?  No.

I don't watch the shows anymore.  My dad's not into it anymore.  No more friends getting them where I can tag along.  My cousin doesn't have the money right now but I'm sure the next time he goes I'll turn him down again.  And I can't put my finger on why.  I really want one.  For real.  Seemingly always have.  I just haven't found that perfect piece to kick it off.  But it doesn't have to be perfect.  I would be fine with just getting something after this many years.  Just to get that itch to go away.  What should I get?  A dragon?  A tiger eating a snake?  The Mona Lisa?  I don't know.  But it's going to happen.....sooner or least that's my story and I'm stickin to it!

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