Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ooey Gooey Cheesy Goodness cheese.  There is quite possibly nothing better one can put on a burger.  If there is I haven't tried it.  And I've tried a lot.  Believe me.  A lot.  Pub cheese wins.  Hands down.

You know that feeling when you're about to go get a premium burger and you're wondering about which toppings you should go with?  Mushrooms, or skip them?  Peppers?  Tomatoes (never)?  Bacon (always)?  American or Pub Cheese?  No.  Never.  Never ever ask that question to your self.  Just don't put yourself through it.  If the place has pub cheese you're getting pub cheese.  Seriously.  There's no second guessing, no deliberation, no standing at the counter trying to figure out which cheese goes best with the other toppings you want.  Pub cheese will not let you down.

Any place that has pub cheese, that spreadable, ooey gooey goodness of a food product, is going to be a good burger joint.  Most likely there will be a decision to be made on which size burger to get.  You'll see the 1/4 pound, the 1/3 pound and the 1/2 pound......go with the half pound and try to function 3 hours after you eat it.  It's worth the effort.  So good.  So juicy.  So you've got the hard part figured out.  Next you order the pub cheese.  Why?  Cuz I said so, that's why.  Come on!  Then you pick whatever other toppings you want/don't need/won't care at all about.  The pub cheese is the reason you got the burger.  No one gets a burger because a place has the freshest tomatoes, or the crispiest lettuce, or the most unique onions.  No.  You go there for a good burger and the cheese to make you happy.

You've got your burger, cheese melted and spilling forth around the outside of the bun.  You're trying to figure out how to maximize the experience.  Cut it in half?  Go at it full speed?  What's going to keep the cheese intact the most?  I cut.  And the knife gets licked.  And my fingers too.  And the paper/plate/table/pants get licked as well.  That cheese is going to do some damage on you.  And it's good.  You want that.  The creamy goodness.  You want that everywhere.  You want to dip your fries in it.  You want remnants left on your straw after you've taken a sip to cleanse the pallet for a new delicious bite.  The more the merrier.

Trust me on this.  You won't be sorry.  Pub cheese on a burger.  Delicioso!

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