Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It Had To End Sooner Or Later

As of today I am officially on hiatus from posting anything more to the site.  I've gotten about 1000 views on the blog and it's been a journey I suppose.  The support wasn't quite as prevalent as I thought it could have been.  The appreciation was there at times.  The comments were nonexistent.

I might go back and read some of the stuff I wrote.  It will be a good learning experience....I hope.  The next time, if there is a next time, I will be better.  I promise that.  As of right now I'm a little jaded.  It should have been better.  I should have gotten more viewers.  I probably need to be a better writer.  I'm not all pissed off though.  I'm glad I wrote for as long as I wrote even if it was only to prove to myself that I could keep up with something for as long as I did.

Thanks for reading.  It was pleasure while it lasted.


  1. I'm really impressed that you kept it going as long as you did. I expected a week at most.
    And just so you know I read every article you wrote.
    And I'm sorry the run is over.

  2. Caaannn Oppeennnerrr!!!

  3. I'm a bit disappointed. I read all the articles too... even commented from time to time. Maybe we needed some Big Money banter in the comments block?

  4. I'm thinking I need a phone call from Money every day until he starts posting again.
