Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't Stop Til You Get Enough

What has to happen for you to figure out when enough's enough?  Do you have to break your leg and never be able to run correctly again?  Do you need to be diagnosed with a terminal disease?  Or is it simple enough that you can just stop at any time and have no regrets?  

Being an athlete one's whole life can make a person crazy.  You can feel miserable your whole life.  Shoulder hurts, knees ache, back is all outta whack, ankles and hips popping all over the place, etc.  As a kid no one had these problems.  It was easy to play 4 games in one day and then three the next.  No big deal.  No soreness, no cramping, no problems.  Those were the days.  At some point as one gets older you stop being able to get by with that stuff.  There's no chance you're waking up to run AND try to play softball that same night.  Your body will literally fail on you the next day.  Hamstrings and groin are tight, knees are bound up, and all the beer you drank over the three hours of "athletics" is doing a number on your insides.  Sucks.  But when is it time to stop?

I'd like to think I'll never get there.  I'm going to be the guy playing soccer and softball into my 50s until my body stops responding.  At that point I'll just pick up another sport/game/athletic hobby and the show will go on.  But there are days when I feel that's just not going to happen.  There are days when I think I've hit a wall.  I used to jump at the chance to sub for anything.  Nothing going on Friday night, your cousin calls and needs your arm out in the outfield.....I'm down.  But at some point the idea of just sitting on the couch watching the latest Netflix movie you got that day seems like a better option.  After all, Saturday is a big day of cutting the grass and......something else I'm sure......and did I mention cutting the grass?  Saturday comes, you look at the can wait a day or two more.  I'm tired.  That movie last night was longer than I thought!

It's all about motivation.  Motivation to be active.  To be healthy.  To be vibrant.  To get back into the groove of what it's like to be a fully operational human being.  You have to keep up on it.  You have to stay in shape. It's tough to lose that shape you used to fight so hard for and get the motivation back up to do it all over again.  There are too many reasons not to treat yourself to your health.  Good food, good beer, good relaxation.  But then the day comes when you're really feeling good.  You really want to get back out there and play.  You get the call.  You get out there.  You do poorly because you're out of shape and out of practice.  And then depression sets in.  Wake up the next day hung over, pissed off and sore as shit.....with nothing to show for it.  That's when you have to dig deep.  You gotta get back out there and get in shape to get yourself ready for the next time you get the call.  Motivate yourself to be better.  Let me know how that works out for you.....there's a good chance my couch is calling me.  After all, I still haven't seen "True Grit."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

This is a test in self awareness, consciousness, and my overall state of mind.  Writing in a sort of stream of consciousness.  Whatever pops in goes out.  Here we go....

Listening to Pandora and Hungry Eyes comes on.  Herb just mentioned on a comment I read about that being one of the songs that helped shape him.  Great movie that Dirty Dancing.  The Swayze at nearly his best.  Not as good as in Roadhouse though.  Unbelievable movie.  Only once have I seen it.  Changed my world.  SPOILER ALERT: everyone dies and no one cares.  Utopia it is not.  But we can't really have utopias.  Too much greed in this world.  Communism in its purest form is a sort of utopia.  Everyone sharing.  Everyone helping for the greater good.  The bigger cause.  Capitalism contests those very ideas.  I'd rather be a capitalist I think.  I like helping people but not as much as I like having my own stuff.  No way I'm giving up my tv to another guy unless I'm sure I'm getting a better one.  Those LED tvs are amazing.  Every time I watch something on an LED tv I go home and contemplate putting my foot through my LCD because it just plain sucks in comparison.  I hate it.  But there's nothing wrong with it in the grand scheme of things.  It does what it should but fails to bring out the best a show/movie/Sesame Street has to offer.  I watch a lot of tv when I think about it. A lot.  I watch shit. I watch kids shows with my daughter.  I watch tv and fall asleep watching matter what time of day.  NFL naps are the greatest thing ever.  Usually I fall asleep right after the second games start on Sunday and sleep until the third quarter.  When I wake up I feel great and get to watch the best part of the games.  Can't really do that with a lot of other shows and events though.  Except NASCAR.  I used to watch NASCAR all the time but I can't get into it anymore.  There's too much swapping drivers and cars and teams.....what the fuck!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Turn It Up Again!!!

It's time for another rundown of some of the greatest music this world has ever known.  We're going to take a look at some of the biggest ARTISTS of the 80s.

Tina "Bruises Easily" Turner.....that chick just straight up had it.  She'd be your private dancer, she'd tell you that you were simply the best, she'd ask what love had to do with it, and.....most importantly.....she'd welcome you to thunderdome.  Great stems lead way to perfecting the short skirt/dress.  Her hair is as unmistakable as her voice.  You know Tina when you hear her.  I suggest you listen.  You better be good to her.

If you feel it coming in the air tonight you know Phil.  Mr. Collins is a musical genius.  Short, bald, unassuming white guy from the UK......the definition of coolness.  He was somehow able to marry a dozen or so women (someone look that up), have a phenomenal career, and be immortalized by Christian Bale's commentary of one of his albums as Bale is having a threesome (great movie, but could have been real life.....he's Batman after all).  Phil Collins is an easy lover with a groovy kind of love......and that's no sussudio.

This one's going to be a long one.  Many of my readers know about my obsession.  He didn't just touch me though (haha), he touched the whole world (hahahaha).  Michael Jackson is the greatest performer of all time.  There may have been better songwriters, better singers, better dancers (nope!), or even better performers (I'll kill you).  No one did it better overall though.  I can remember back when my dad used to steal cable watching his music videos.  Unreal.  Some of his videos actually showed people fainting.  I never understood that when I was younger, but I do now.  He had such a profound effect on people.  He affected people.  His music got into your soul.  Man in the Mirror.....puts me in a good place every time.  Dirty Diana.....totally opposite place.  Emotional roller coaster that guy was.  Everyone knows the big hits such as "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" and "Smooth Criminal".  Not many people other than us crazed fans really know and appreciate the lesser known tracks though.  "Liberian Girl" has some of his best vocals.  “The Girl Is Mine” with Paul McCartney showed his ability to collaborate (and sound as gay as a human ever could).  One of my favorites is actually “Another Part of Me.”  It’s got the funk, it’s got the guitar hooks, it showcases his ability to do all of his little uhs, ows, doo doo doo doos, and hee hees…’s got it all.  Totally underrated. 

Keep on enjoying the best of the 80s.  The planets are lining up, they’re bringing prouder days.  It has been a cruel summer.  Hold on to the nights.  You’re a cold-hearted snake.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Before I Lose The Feeling....

Back in June I had the pleasure of going to the second Monday of Wimbledon with my lovely wife.  It was a dream come true to say the least.  The day had it all......and more.

I did my research before we headed for London.  I knew we weren't going to be able to go to the "show courts" to see the big matches.  Since we were going to be there on the busiest day of the tournament there was just no shot at making that happen.  There were people camped out from Saturday night on to get those tickets.  Nope.....the Moneys won't be seeing the big boys this year.  There was too much to do the few days we were in London to waste a whole day sitting on a lawn waiting at least one day to be able to watch the Federers and Sharapovas of the world play.  We were going to have to settle for general admission.

We woke up bright and early exactly around 6:02 AM.....approximately.  We were able to get on a train very quickly and headed to Wimbledon which was less than 45 minutes away.  No problem.  I thought we'd probably be in the first couple thousand waiting in line.  They don't start opening the gates until after 11 AM, they let in anywhere from 6000-9000 people usually.  No worries......but then I saw the field of people.  Waves and waves of people, 6 single-file lines as long as two football fields each.....holy crap that's a lot of people!  We ended up being in the 5400s I believe.  Phew!  We were in.  We were going to be seeing Wimbledon live.  Stoked.

And now.......we wait.  No chair, no blanket to sit on, only what we were wearing plus our rain gear to comfort us.  4 hours.  On a lawn.  Moving only to stretch.  You debate on which people around you are actually worth talking  And she was borderline.  Sitting there staring at the other people.  Checking out the douchebags with their shirts off hanging out with the other douchebags with their shirts off.  Watching the girls wearing high heels trying to navigate the vast expanse of grassland.  Wondering how long you can last.  And start moving.  Only they tell you it's just a little move.  We're just moving to the other side.  We'll be sitting there for a while too.

When we finally get in around 11:45 AM we are greeted to one of the greatest sights these eyes have ever seen......Centre Court (still can't believe it's spelled incorrectly though).  Chills, goosebumps, and a single tear.  I've arrived.  The biggest event on my bucket list.....cross it off.  Now.....what the hell are we going to do?  Henman Hill!!!  Packed.  All day long.  There were thousands upon thousands on the hill throughout the day watching the big screen which was showing matches from Centre Court and Court One.  Cool experience.

Next we checked out some under 18 matches, some doubles, mixed doubles, etc.  Nothing too exciting except for the 15-13 third set we watched put on by two of the top fifteen under 18 boys.  That was cool.  We watched the guys who took second in Men's Doubles....didn't think they had a chance at getting as far as they did.  Went back to Henman Hill for a while.  Bought some stuff.  Drank some stuff.  Fish and Chips were excellent.  Pretty much took in the whole experience.

It was hot as hell, we didn't see any compelling matches live, spent a ton of money, and it couldn't have been any better.  You're next........Lambeau.  Who's coming with me?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wrigley Field........I hate that godforsaken place.  Let me enlighten you.....

a. They have somehow made it confusing to look at your section and mistake it for a different one.  Let's say you have a ticket for section 534, row 4, seat 106.  That's right.....106.  You see the sign for section 534.  It's on the right side of the aisle.  That must be where you're sitting.  That would be correct.  Now....let's say you're sitting in that same section, same row, but seat 4.....where the hell is that?  It's on the other side of the aisle!  They've somehow managed to make 1 row of seats into 2 "sections".  101-110 on one side of the aisle, 1-10 on the other.  Stupidest freaking thing I've ever seen.  All game (as Cubs fans don't really watch the game but instead meander around the place doing whatever doesn't entail actually sitting there watching the goddamned game) people are having to switch sections when someone new comes to the game.  The ushers are constantly moving WHOLE ROWS OF PEOPLE throughout the game.  The reasoning they give: "It's an old ballpark."  My response: "How old.....before people could count?!?!?"

2. Gotta pee?  Give yourself at least an inning and a half to do it if you're sitting anywhere besides the lower level.  No toilets anywhere besides the lower level.  Made it until the 7th inning or so until I had to pack my bags, check the wind pattern, and get cleared for take off.  Made the 5 minute trek down the 8 ramps or so to stand in line for another few minutes before I could piss in a trough.  The trough.....genius.  The placement.....retarded.

D. Obstructed view seating.....yep......they have those too.  Support beams, both on the lower and upper level, make viewing the whole field impossible.  Absolutely impossible.  There are times you almost smoke the guy in sitting next to you in the face with YOUR face because you're trying to watching the play.  Unbelievable.

x. I hate that freaking song!!!  Go Cubs Go.  They sing it after every win.  And they sing it for a long time.  And then they sing it all night.  Then the bars play it....and they sing it some more.  It's catchy, it's easy to remember, it's fun to sing it with everyone else.....and I hate it!  It makes me wish for something of our own to sing when the Redbirds win.  We used to have some songs in the 80s....long gone.  Now we just cheer and leave and talk shit to the opposing team's fans.  Not the Cubs.  They cheer, they leave, they talk shit....and they get to sing a song the whole time they're doing it.  God Damn It!!!!